The South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) is a support structure of the Government of Cameroon (GOC) with the sole responsibility of instituting rural development projects in the South West Province. Since its creation in 1986, SOWEDA has been involved in a number of development projects. One of such projects, which is also our point of focus in this report, is the Rumpi Area Participatory Development (RAPD) Project at its planning/implementation stage.
The Project has four basic components: Capacity Building and Community Development; Agricultural Production and Productivity Enhancement; Access to Markets and Support to Local Initiatives; and Project Management.
The total cost of the Project is approximately 17,702.52 billion CFA, and financed by GOC 15%, African Development Bank (ADB) 75% and Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) 8% and the beneficiaries 2%.
The major partners in the execution of this project include: governmental agencies such as the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development, Provincial Delegation of Public Works, Provincial Delegation of Public Health, IRAD, CCSP, MIFED. There are also non-governmental organizations/associations, village development associations, rural councils, service providers (CIGs, etc), consultants/contractors, and other institutions.