Current Initiative: Low Cost Agricultural Technology Transfer and Local Development – Green house Farming
PAID – WA is exposing local farmers and young agri – entrepreneurs to low cost and modern agricultural cultivation in the South West Region of Cameroon.
The main objective
- To support the increase of the incomes of rural households
Due to scarcity of water and land many local farmers are now venturing into greenhouse farming for seasonal vegetables.
A green house is a metal frame structure completely covered with a transparent material to allow for the cultivation of crops under controlled environment conditions. The micro-climate of the greenhouse favors crop production all year round.
The role of agri-entrepreneurship and farming workstream is to support young people who are not inclined to study agricultural sciences to take up agriculture as a profession and an as an income generating activity.
We seek to meet the needs of agricultural communities and accommodate farmers, local groups and other members of the civil society who have limited access to new knowledge, skills and technology through agricultural engagement mini –projects. We provide rural advisory services to link farmers to agricultural innovation. We provide a platform for experience and knowledge sharing.
Startup opportunities have been initiated in greenhouse vegetable cultivation, poultry farming, bee farming and mushroom cultivation. In addition to providing space for start-up opportunities, food processing knowledge, skills and tools are provided to ensure the comprehensiveness of their capacity building process as agri–entrepreneurs. The project aims at enhancing their capacity to market their produce and be able to negotiate for favorable prices and ultimately improved incomes of young farmers and producers in Cameroon