• Institutional Needs Assessment
    Institutional Needs Assessment
  • Collecting baseline data for Building Community Level Action to End Violence Against Women and Girls
    Collecting baseline data for Building Community Level Action to End Violence Against Women and Girls
  • Focus Group Discussions with Female Farmers
    Focus Group Discussions with Female Farmers
  • Qualitative Studies on Farmer - Grazer Conflicts
    Qualitative Studies on Farmer - Grazer Conflicts

Current Project: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW/G) in Cameroon

The Establishment of the GBV Monitoring and Reporting Systems

Through different studies, PAID – WA seeks to sustain advocacy efforts for the prevention and response to Violence against Women and Girls in Cameroon. PAID – WA takes the lead in building data collection and analysis systems for the efforts in ending VAW/G.  Specifically;

Project 1:  Baseline Survey on VAW/G, response service availability/ accessibility in six regions of Cameroon

  • Ensures data availability on prevalence of the specific forms of violence
  • Conducts needs assessments at community levels and among various stakeholders, including assessment of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices related to violence against women and response services in general

Project 4: Ongoing data collection on the UNTF/LUKMEF project – ” Building Community Level Action to End VAW/G”

  • Establishment of tools for National Monitoring and Reporting System

Generally PAID –WA  offers consultancy services in the following studies:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Baseline/Needs Assessment
  • Technical Assessment
  • Water supply and sanitation systems supervision
  • Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Environmental Audits
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practice surveys

Monitoring and Evaluation is core to our work. Our team develops methodologies and tools to help document results and evaluate the effectiveness of programs, projects and standards. We assist clients in the development of evaluation plans and frameworks, establishing monitoring and evaluation processes. A key focus of our work is working closely and collaboratively with our partners to ensure that they own the evaluation process and that the findings and recommendations are useful, practical and relevant to all stakeholders.

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