• Mapping for Community Water Rehabiliation Project
    Mapping for Community Water Rehabiliation Project
  • Participatory Project Planning for UNTT/LUKMEF project
    Participatory Project Planning for UNTT/LUKMEF project
  • Worshop on Project Supervision
    Worshop on Project Supervision

Ongoing Project: PAID -WA as implementing Partner in UNTF/LUKMEF project on ” Building Community level Action to End Violeence

As an implementing partner, PAID –WA supports the efforts of LUKMEF, Cameroon in the implementation of the project “Building Community Level Action to End Violence Against Women” sponsored by the United Nations Trust fund (UNTF) of UN Women.

  1. Studies, Monitoring and Evaluation

Through different studies, PAID – WA seeks to sustain advocacy efforts for the prevention and response to violence. PAID – WA takes the lead in building data collection and analysis systems for the efforts in ending VAW/G.  Specifically;

Project 1:  Baseline Survey on VAW/G, response service availability/ accessibility in six regions of Cameroon

Project 2: Elaborate cartography of existing and/or potential service providers in the 6 regions

Project 3: Conduct institutional capacity assessment including SWOT of existing and/or potential service providers in Cameroon

Our extensive involvement in projects with local communities, groups and institutions through consultancies either as a stand-alone institution or in partnership has given development projects the innovative, people-centered and participatory indicators and value for money approaches that have sustained social change in Cameroon and other parts of Africa.

With its wealth of experience and competencies, PAID-WA provides project management services to development partners and is well placed to offer a wide range of consultancy services. PAID-WA has undertaken numerous consultancies covering project design/preparations, feasibility studies, social and environmental impact assessments, appraisals, midterm reviews, monitoring, evaluation, workshop/seminar facilitation and the development of IEC materials for various programs in Cameroon and West Africa.


Participatory (Community) Project Design

Our Philosophy is designing projects according to local needs and capacities. We cannot overemphasize the value added by including several stakeholders in problem -solving processes. Much of the work we do on project design starts with an organization or a community seeking to address a problem or meet a need. The approach we take often involves assessing the situation. There are many tools and techniques that can come into play including: Theories of change, Problem analysis, Needs assessment, Stakeholder mapping, Participatory planning workshops. Ultimately, the process we choose to follow depends on local needs and circumstances as well as the preferences or our partners and clients. The result is a practical design for a feasible project that will make a difference to tackling a social or economic problem.

In offering these consultancy services, PAID-WA undertakes the necessary capacity building and training of project teams for long-term sustainability of the projects. The capacity of the project owners in long-term management includes capacity building in preparation of business plans and follow-up support to ensure that knowledge and skills gained can be applied with proficiency.

Community Development

Community including hard–to –reach communities are primary partners in our development projects and research activities.

We operationalize livelihood enhancement and entrepreneurship initiatives, and other consultancies that support community engagement and capacity for self – help development that benefits women, underprivileged children and youths. PAID has supported 64 villages and 25 councils in the North West and South West region of Cameroon in developing planning and micro – project design, implementation and impact assessment across sectors

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